Inter-university reserach institute corporation for high energy physics, accelerator and material science.
J-PARC consists of a series of world-class proton accelerators and the experimental facilities.
The largest accelerator facility on a university campus in Japan, located in Suita Campus.
United States Department of Energy national laboratory for high energy particle physics in Illlinois.
United States Department of Energy national laboratory operated by Stanford University in California.
United States Department of Energy national laboratory in the Berkeley Hills in California.
United States Department of Energy national laboratory in New York.
Europian research organization that operates the world's largest particle physics laboratory.
A national research center operating particle accelerator in Hamburg, German.
A database of particle properties.
A database of physical quantities provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Setup of new macbook, LaTeX, Python, ROOT, Unix.
Tips prvided by Iwai who graduated Yamanaka group.
Wiki pages for group members.
hep-ex,nucl-ex, etc.
A website providing subscription-based to a large database of scientific and medical research.
An open access database for high energy physics.
An open access database for high energy physics.
PRL, PRA, PRB, PRC, PRD, PRE, etc. [accessible from HEP-NET, ODINS]
[accessible from HEP-NET, ODINS]
1998~ [accessible from HEP-NET, ODINS]
[accessible from HEP-NET, ODINS]
[accessible from ODINS]
An analysis framework for experimental particle physics.
A simulation toolkit for experimental particle physics.
JPS homepage.
A list of laboratories of high energy physics is provided.