The purpose of J-PARC KOTO experiment is to search for new physics beyond the standard model,
that break CP symmetry. CP is a symmetry between matter and anti-matter.
We are using CP-violating rare Kaon decay as a probe.
The KOTO Experiment located in JPARC, Japan
The Osaka ATLAS group is working on the ATLAS experiment using the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
at the European Nuclear Research Organization, CERN (Geneva). We are studying the properties of the Higgs
particle and searching for new particles predicted by various theories beyond the standard model.
We are also developing silicon detectors for the future upgrade of the ATLAS detector.
The ATLAS Experiment located in CERN, Switzerland
Yamanaka Group News
K.Ono was awarded the HUA (Hadron Users Association) master thesis award.
Prof. Taku Yamanaka's final lecture was held at the Yoichiro Nambu hall, Osaka University.
A.Ando and M.Tsukimoto presented their undergraduate thesis research at undergraduate research presentation session.
Y.Fujita, K.Ono, S.Arakuta and A.Kitagawa presented their masters thesis at the master thesis defense session.
Aoki group and Yamanaka group year end presentation was held.
R.Shiraishi was awarded the Best Poster Award in the Student Category, US-Japan Hawaii Symposium of the US-Japan Science and Technology Cooperation Program.