[Mac OS X Softwares], [Setting up Mac]
feynMFis a tool made by Thorsten Ohl to draw Feynman diagrams in LaTeX.
There are two ways to make Feynman diagrams; feynMF makes diagrams as special bitmap fonts, whereas feynMP makes diagrams as EPS files. Here, I will describe how to use feynMP, since it is simpler and the output is cleaner (as I learned at pTeX forum).
I also assume that you have latex or platex installed, and have TeXShop for Mac OS X, but even otherwise you should be able to follow.
% mkdir -p ~/texmf/tex/feynmf % mkdir -p ~/texmf/metafont/feynmf % mkdir -p ~/texmf/metapost/feynmf % cp feynmf.sty ~/texmf/tex/feynmf % cp feynmp.sty ~/texmf/tex/feynmf % cp feynmf.mf ~/texmf/metafont/feynmf % cp feynmp.mp ~/texmf/metapost/feynmf
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{feynmp} \begin{document} \unitlength = 1mm \begin{fmffile}{gluon} \begin{fmfgraph}(40,25) \fmfleft{in} \fmfright{out} \fmf{curly}{in,out} \end{fmfgraph} \end{fmffile} \end{document}
% mpost gluonThis will read gluon.mp and create gluon.1 which is actually an EPS file.
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{feynmp} \begin{document} \unitlength = 1mm \begin{fmffile}{foo} \begin{fmfgraph}(40,25) ..... example ... \end{fmfgraph} \end{fmffile} \end{document}The file name (shown as "foo" above) should be named properly.
\fmfleft{v1,v2,v3} ,and not like
fmfleft{v1, v2, v3} .Otherwise, you will get get a message like:
feynmf: warning: dangling vertex `v1' colliding with `v2'. feynmf: Have you seen the warning messages above?when you run mp.