Another way to import EPS files to Keynote

Usually, you can simply drag and drop PS and EPS files to TeXShop, copy a portion, and paste it on Keynote, as described here. However, if you prefer typing commands, here is another way.

1. How to import plots in PS or EPS format

If a plot is in a PS or EPS file by itself, here is how to import it to Keynote.

  1. Convert the PS or EPS file to a PDF file by running
    % epstopdf myfile.eps
    The epstopdf comes with Ogawa's pTeX package (bigptex).
  2. Simply drag and drop the converted PDF file onto a Keynote slide.

2. Another way to extract plots from PS files

If you want to extract plots in EPS format from PS files, and IF dragging to TeXShop did not work, you may want to try this. (I have not encountered a case that this did not work, yet, though.)

  1. If you do not have Perl, install it. Perl is available from Apple Develpers site.
  2. Download extract-eps. Usually, holding down control key while pressing "extract-eps" link shows an optionto download the link as a file.
  3. Place the extract-eps file in /usr/local/bin or ~/bin.
  4. Do
    % chmod +x extract-eps
  5. To run, type
    % extract-eps
    if extract-eps is in /usr/local/bin, or
    % ~/bin/extract-eps
    if extract-eps is in ~/bin . This will extract eps files included in the PS file.
  6. Convert the eps file that you want, to a PDF file by
    % epstopdf thisplot.eps
    and drag and drop the converted PDF file onto your Keynote slide.

Updated 9/24/2003, Taku Yamanaka