Meeting of IUPAP C-11 Commission
Particles and Fields
Osaka, Japan
July 31,2000

Minutes of the meeting held on July 31, 2000 at International House, Osaka, during the 30th International Conference of High Energy Physics.

Present: P.I.P.Kalmus(Chairman), S.Yamada(Secretary), M.Davier, W.Hoogland, T.Huang, E.Iarocci, V.Lueth, G.Mikenberg, M.Turala, M.Zeller, P.Kienle(Associate member, C12)

Guests: A.Bettini,  J.Butler,  H.S.Chen,  J.Lee Franzini,  P.Franzini,  A.Maki,
G. van Middelkoop,  Y.Nagashima,  R.Rubinstein,  H.Sugawara

Apologies for Absence: H.-U. Klein(Vice-Chairman)?,A.F.Santoro, A.S.Sissakian(Members); T,K.Gaisser,  B.Sadoulet(Associate Members)

  1. The chairman welcomed all the members and the guests. He forwarded the apologies from the absent members and associate members.
  2. The agenda was agreed upon.
  3. The agenda of the last meeting, which had been circulated by e-mails, was  confirmed to be approved.

  4. Chairman reported the followings.
    * During the October meeting of the IUPAP Councils and Commission chairs at CERN, each commission made a short report. C11 can be considered being on the right track in its activity and operation. For instance, now IUPAP has a low budget for sponsoring conferences and the decision on the conferences to be supported is given by the council for some commissions that make many applications.
    The limit of the conference fee, US$340, must be kept for IUPAP supported conferences. 
    * Two working groups were formed on women in physics and on communication in physics.
    * Now deputy chair of the commissions are from industry. In case it is difficult, like C11, the condition may possibly be reconsidered.
    * The next meeting of IUPAP Councils and Commission chairs is planned in Beijing on 6-7, October, 2000.
    * The next general assembly of IUPAP is scheduled in Berlin in 2002. 

  5. Report of ICFA was made by Roy Rubinstein with a written document describing the activities during the past year. Hirotaka Sugawara became the chair in August 1999, earlier than expected due to the tragic death of the previous chair, Bjorn Wiik.
    * ICFA seminar was held at FNAL in October, 1999, where 110 participants from 18 countries attended. The idea of Global Accelerator Network was proposed by Albrecht Wagner. ICFA set up a task force to investigate it further. Two subgroups were formed which will make reports by February 2001, one for general consideration of implementation and the other for more technical aspects.
    *A brief introductory report was made on the recent workshop organized by OECD which is intending to pick up high energy physics as a topics of its Global Science Forum.

  6. Hirotaka Sugawara made interim reports of the two subgroups on the GAN.
    The first group is considering the roles of existing national laboratories in the global network and the way how they can keep their identities in the scheme. The second group is studying models of operation.
    It was pointed out from a member that the international high energy physics community should reach a consensus on this matter before OECD's GSF, if it would, takes place.

  7. Yorikiyo Nagashima made a report on the current Osaka Conference that was started smoothly. The number of show-up participants was estimated to be 950 and that of accompanying persons is about 250. He pointed out that the lower than expected level of support from industry was compensated by contributions from several civil foundations. The chairman acknowledged the organizers for their effort and the well prepared organization. 

  8. Juliet Lee-Franzini reported on the status of the preparation for LP2001 in Rome. The venue is fixed at Auditorium dele Tecnica which can seat 800 audience and can be accessed by Metro. The date is July 23-28. The web home page was set up under which shows the available information. It was agreed that C11 endorses the application of LP01 for the sponsorship of IUPAP .  

  9. G. van Middelkoop reported the status of preparation for the next Rochester Conference, ICHEP2002 in Amsterdam. The date is set to be July 25-31,2002.

  10. Following the confirmation that LP 2003 will be held at FNAL, USA, as was already agreed upon via e-mail discussions and vote, J.Butler made a report on the present status. The date will be fixed by considering those of other big conferences and the availability of the auditorium of the lab where the venue will be set. 

  11. The location of ICHEP 2004 was discussed after the proposition from Beijing. It will be considered again next year after surveying other candidates considering the historical rotation. 

  12. Although there was not a report from the organizer of the coming HEACC2001, it was agreed to support its request for the IUPAP sponsorship since it was arranged by ICFA after their discussions on the continuation of the accelerator conference that C11 kept supporting in the past .
    (Actually it was a secretary's mistake not to have invited them to present at the meeting.)

  13. P.Kienle made a report of C12 concerning its conferences and other international activities. Topics of nuclear physics research was introduced as well.
    A.Bettini reported the activities of PANAGIC and related non-accelerator physics in detail.

  14. In the discussions of conferences, it was pointed out that the style of proceedings should be reconsidered in view of the modern development of electric-network. In some cases, however, books are necessary although they come out only very late after the conferences. So far they are published as books but the situation may change. The organizer of a future conference, if they wish to publish only electronically, must consider a way to keep the site long enough as long as paper books can stand. 

  15. It was also pointed out that the price of academic books is rising that makes the market smaller pushing the price even higher.