C12 報告
2003.11.11 永宮正治
1)今期第1回の C12 Commission Meeting (2003年6月, Duke 大学)
- a) 国際会議に対する Sponsorship 決定。
- INPC04 (Goeteberg, Sweden, June-July, 2004) Type A ...the major nuclear physics conference
- SPIN04 (Trieste, Italy, October, 2004) Type B
- 他の会議も議論
- b) Associate members の選出。
- C12 の Associate Member
- M. E. Zeller (Prof., Yale University) from C11.
- A. B. McDonald (Prof., Queen’s University & Dir. SNO Inst.) from C19.
- W. Haxton (Prof., University of Washington) from PaNAGIC.
- A. W. Thomas (Prof., Adelaide University) to chair Int. Comm. in C12.
- C12 から他の Commission に送る Associate Member
- Dan-Olof Riska (Prof., University of Helsinki) to C11.
- S. J. Freedman (Prof., University of California) to C19.
- c) Representative to C13
- W. Y. P. (Pauchy) Hwang (Prof., National Taiwan University)
- (以上の a), b), c) については、10月に開催された Council & Commission Chairs Meeting で承認された。)
- d) 世界の原子核物理学の Activity の Survey
- Overviews of the current status and future of Nuclear Physics
- Walter F.Henning (GSI): Europe (NuPECC Long Range Plan)
- H. Sakai (U. Tokyo): Status and Plans in Japan
- J.Freedman (UC-Berkeley): North America (NSAC Long Range Plan and updates, Canadian Subatomic Physics Five Year Plan)
- Presentation of World’s Big Facilities:
- GSI (W. Henning), J-PARC (S. Nagamiya), ISAC-II (W. T. H. van Oers), RIKEN (H, Sakai), J-Lab (Kees de Jagar), RI Accelerator (B. Sherrill), SPIRAL-2 in France, SPES in Italy, HIRFL in Landzou, etc.
- Initiation of the Ad-Hoc Committee on “International Cooperation in Nuclear Physics).
- e) International Committee for Cooperation in Nuclear Physics
- Documentation of world facilities. Evaluation of different facilities. World usage of the existing facilities. Need of new facilities. etc. (委員会設置後、タスクについては再検討)
- Chair of this committee will be A. W. Thomas.
- Members (選考中):
- Chair of this committee: W. A. Thomas (Adelaide)
- The Chair of NSAC: R. F. Casten (Yale U.)
- A representative from BNL-RHIC: S. Aronson (BNL)
- A representative from JLab: TBN
- A representative from TRIUMF: TBN
- The Chair of NUPECC: M. N. Harakeh (U. Groningen)
- A representative from GSI: W. Henning (GSI)
- A representative from GANIL: D. Guerreau (GANIL)
- One further representative from Europe: TBN
- A representative from J-PARC: S. Nagamiya (KEK)
- A representative from RIKEN: I. Tanihata (RIKEN)
- A representative from China: Wenlong Zhan (Landzou)
- A further representative from Asia or Russia: TBN
- (本委員会の創設に関しては、10月の Council & Commission Chairs Meeting では、IUPAP の Working Group として発足すべきではないかとの意見があったが、当面は C12 内の委員会として発足したい旨を伝えた。C&CC Meeting では、執行部から、Provisional Working Group として発足して 1-2年で Working Group となるべく努力して欲しいとの意向が述べられた。)
2)次回の C12 Commission Meeting
来年6月末、Sweden にて
3)次回の Council and Commission Chairs Meeting
2004年10月15—17日、インド Tata Institute にて