[Mac OS X Softwares], [Setting up Mac]

Emacs editor

Emacs in Terminal Window

If you simply want to launch emacs inside a Terminal window, type as follows.

	$ emacs -nw [filename]

The "-nw" option stands for "no window".

Emacs Application

If you want to launch Emacs in another window (or as a separate application), install Carbon Emacs Package as follows. With this, you can use commands from menu bar, and type Japanese.

  1. Download Carbon Emacs Package and install it in Applications folder.
  2. To use it from Terminal, set an alias in .bashrc as follows.
    	alias em="/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs"
    This way, one can launch multiple emacs by:
    	$ em foo.txt &
    	$ em bar.txt &

2008-01-09 Taku Yamanaka